
diseños para redes sociales
a collection of collages made for social media, many are invitations to activites with fellow accomplices and some listed in the cyberfeminism index

Colección de mis collagues de invitación a eventos en Bolivia, algunos fueron listados en el índice de cyberfeminismo.

Party to the 1st IRL meet with the IB crew.
Open Data Day 2019 when we made data citizen repository to backup lost government and citizen data sets.
Internet Governance in Bolivia Debate on internet rules and regulations organized by the IB crew
LACIGF Bolivia 2019
LACIGF Side events in Bolivia when we organized 9 private and public side events for the XII Foro Regional de Gobernanza de Internet de América Latina y el Caribe (LACIGF).

Workshop on selfdefense for women databodies
Facilitadora en estrategias de autodefensa para mujeres.
#CallesVioletas and OpenStreetMap Workshop
Facilitator of collective mapping of hostile places in La Paz. Facilitadora del mapeo participativo del espacio hostil para las mujeres junto a GeoChicas Bolivia.
Resisting online hate speech.
Facilitadora en respuestas feministas al discurso de odio con la metodlogía #AlertaMachitroll de la Fundación Karisma.
Cibersexuality workshop: online dating and menstrual apps
Facilitadora en apps de citas y menstruales: usos, riesgos y hacks.
Forbidden plant seminar organized for the legalization of bolivian sacred plants.
when some guys wanted to legalize controlled wild fires,
women asked them to quit.
cyberfeminist ciberfeminismo index cielito bolivia

listing in the cyberfeminist index

algunos de mis artes incluídos en el índice ciberfeminista <3